Mistakes You Need To Avoid To Lose Belly Fat and Get
Six Pack Abs. Discover
The Truth Today.
Since I am into fitness and muscle building, one of my major goals
is how to get a six pack abs and make them reveal themselves.
With time, I am starting to see real progress and those six pack
abs are beginning to pop out. The best part is when you contract
your abs muscles, you can see them more clearly. You really feel
a sense of satisfaction when reaching this goal. In the past years,
I didn't have any clue how to achieve this but now I know and
I can see the proof everyday in the mirror.
I've received
questions before, that the reason I have those abs, is because
I do lots of abs exercises. While this is partly true, it's not
the only reason. Abs workout for sure are important to build and
develop your abs muscles but the real truth to seeing them is
not doing an infinite number of ab exercise repetitions. Here
are 3 things you should know about how to get a six pack abs.
(1) Perform
Cardio Exercises
To get those
six pack abs showing, you just need to burn your excess calories
known as fat and gradually, your body fat will decrease. Your
body has a percentage of body fat and the less you have, your
body will have more definition and your muscles will become more
visible. Eg a body fat of say 3-4% will get your six pack abs
showing really well. Some people who think that just doing ab
exercise repetitions will burn their belly fat and get their abs
showing are completely on the wrong track. Your body fat is in
your entire body and not just in your stomach. When your body
fat decreases, it's proportionate in your whole body including
your arms, legs, stomach etc... When your body fat reduces gradually,
your abs will start to reveal themselves more and more. Everyone
has abs muscles but if they are not visible, it means there is
a layer of fat covering their stomach.
Now to burn
and lose fat, you need to exercise and cardio exercises are recommended.
If you go to the gym, you can use the gym bikes and the treadmills(running
machines) or do aerobics. If you prefer nature, you can stick
to jogging, swimming or riding a bicycle in the park. Do cardio
say 2-3 times per week moderately eg 45 minutes on the gym bike.
Don't overdo it because you can lose muscles that you've worked
hard for, say you're building muscle mass at the same time. But
if you aren't concentrating on muscle mass as well but more on
the six pack abs, you can do cardio more times per week say 4-5
or even everyday. You have to get your heart beat increasing and
your body has to sweat a lot to lose the fat. As a result, your
six pack abs will reveal themselves with time.
(2) Pay
Proper Attention To Healthy Nutrition
It's of no
use paying attention to cardio when you don't care about healthy
eating. It's like all your cardio efforts to lose fat will be
in vain. For eg, if you just eat tons of junk food and foods which
are high in fat, sugar, salt and calories which usually are of
no nutritional value, you'll gain too many excess calories and
as a result, you'll have a harder time burning fat and getting
those six pack abs. You need to do more and more cardio for quite
a long time. What if you've eaten more quality and low fat and
low calorie foods which have high nutritional value as well? You'll
reach your goals much more faster. Tip - Protein, carbohydrates
and fats all have calories but fats has the most and this is why
foods high in fat have more calories.
is a key component to make you achieve your goals much more faster.
Pay attention to what you eat and have a proper nutrition. By
that, I mean eat quality food. For eg, eat protein to build those
muscles. Some good sources come from skinless chicken breast or
turkey breast, lean read meat, egg whites, tuna, white fish and
salmon. Salmon is highly recommended since it contains omega-3
fish oil which has been proven to reduce insulin levels. When
you have high insulin levels, your body is more proned to increase
fat storage and the fat burning process is slowed down. So with
low insulin levels, your body will use the fat as energy rather
than store it. Also, eat good carbohydrates like oatmeal, potatoes,
yams or taro, sweet potatoes, brown rice, wholemeal bread, pasta.
Eat lots of fibrous veggies like broccoli and green beans and
eat fruits like banana(good to avoid muscle cramps) and oranges
amongst others. Avoid saturated sats like animal fats but you
can opt for unsaturated dietary fats like virgin olive oil. These
fats are called monounsaturated fats and are good for the heart.
You can easily use olive oil in a salad's dressing.
Eating 4-6
meals in small quantities at regular intervals like every 2-3
hours is advised to keep your metabolism high and reduce your
insulin levels. As a result, your body will burn fat more effectively
as well. Your body has different metabolism and there is the metabolism
of fat. By eating small quantities of calories per sitting means
you have less chances of accumulating too much fat. Your liver
will then be able to convert any additional fat into energy much
more quickly and easily. If you do 3 heavy meals, your chances
to store more fat is higher since your body can only store a specific
number of calories per meal. The additional calories will be stored
as fat.
Water is life
and is essential for your daily functions and for releasing any
harmful toxins from your body. Drink lots of water at least 1.5-2.0
litres of water daily from a bottle. A bottle is more convenient
since it encourages you to drink more. But if you usually drink
in a glass, go for at least 8 glasses per day. Water also plays
a role in maintaining muscles and it hydrates yourself since you're
exercising. In addition, there is some evidence that water can
enhance the fat burning process. Anyway, water can just be beneficial
for your health, so go for it.
(3) Do
Your Abdominals Workout
If you follow
the 2 tips above, you're already on the right track to get those
six pack abs showing but this does not mean you don't have to
work your abs. You still need to train your abs to strengthen
them and they will come out more muscular and more visible. Exercises
such as crunches and leg raises will work your abs. You don't
need to work your abs everyday. Two times per week should do.
I do 4 sets of 25 for crunches and 4 sets of 25 for leg raises
twice weekly. You don't necessarily need to do the exact same
if you're just starting out but rather, you can do less sets or
less repetitions per set. You just need to think of a workout
that can potentially meet your capability and try it out of course
to see if it suits you. You can always adjust afterwards. Also,
remember the trick is not to concentrate on your ab workout, like
becoming obsessed to do hundreds of ab repetitions every single
day because this is not the solution to your abs not revealing
themselves. Cardio and proper nutrition are your primary targets.
above tips are a general guideline but if you are really serious
about how to get a six pack abs and want more detailed information
and instructions, I highly recommend Mike Geary eBook, The
Truth About Six Pack Abs. Well written and illustrated
with great ab building techniques and strategies, this is simply
a MUST read for anyone wanting to get a ripped stomach and lean
muscular body. Go and pick up your
own copy right away and you won't regret it.
About the author
Jean Lam is the webmaster of Body
Building Resource which provides articles on weight training,
nutrition and fitness, body building book and DVDs.