Body Building Resources

Biceps Workout - How To Build Biceps Exercise
By Jean Lam

The biceps also known as biceps brachii is one of the most popular muscle groups maybe because it's highly associated with bodily strength. At the gym, you'll see many people working on their biceps. Actually if you want to build your biceps, you need the correct biceps workout and exercise to really blast them to optimum growth. You need to train them hard and feel the biceps squeezed and stretched and of course the muscle burn.

If you want to add mass in your biceps, you have to lift weights heavy enough to allow you to perform in the 6-10 repeat range. It's important to know that the biceps is a small muscle and doesn't need many sets of exercises. The recommended range is between 6-9 sets. Most back exercises like bent over rows, pull ups, lat pull down and seated cable rows for instance involve the biceps as well so if you work your biceps separately too much, you can overtain them. Overtraining can impede muscle growth. Your muscles grow not when you're training them but when you're at home resting and recovering. What you get from your biceps workout is the pump initially. Your biceps will become bigger temporarily.

When you have a proper nutrition consisted primarily of high-protein food which gives your body the nutrients it needs to build muscles, your biceps will really develop in size now. And if you are consistent in your training, nutrition and rest, your gains will be consistent too. You can also get bigger gains with time since your strength increases when you're able to lift heavier and heavier and as a result, you'll have bigger muscles. At the same time, your nutrition will change like you need to get more protein intake per meal to adapt to your growing body gradually. This is how with time, a person can change for example from 150 pounds to 180 pounds. A 150 pound person needs approximately 150 g of protein per day, hence when you're gaining weight, you need to adjust your meals too. The final result is a bigger body with more muscles.

So now, how do you build your biceps? Here is a common sample biceps workout with several exercises.

(1) Barbell Curls

This is the most popular biceps exercise performed with a barbell which will really add mass in your biceps. Usually performed while standing, grab a barbell about shoulder width palms up and lift it towards your chest slowly until you can feel the biceps squeezed. Then lower the barbell slowly till about 90 degrees or lower. Repeat. Do 3 sets of 6-10 repeats.

(2) Dumbbell Curls

Dumbbell curls is also a favorite exercise among body builders. Performed with two dumbbells either standing or seated, grab two dumbbells one in each hand palms inside like facing each other with your arms aligned to your body. Lift one up towards your chest slowly till you can feel the biceps squeezed, then release slowly to the initial position. Then lift the next one. This is called alternate dumbbell curls. You can also perform this exercise with both your arms lifting up simultaneously. Do 3 sets of 6-10 repeats for each arm.

(3) Preacher Curls

Preacher curls is also an interesting exercise which really trains the biceps. It can be performed on an inclined bench at about 45 degrees or the preacher curl equipment itself. We will take the inclined bench as example. Go behind the inclined bench with a barbell in your hands and place your arms on it fully stretched out. Your arms will be in a descending position. Next, lift the barbell slowly towards your chest, then release it to the initial position. Repeat. You can also do it one arm at a time with one dumbbell. Do 3 sets of 6-10 repeats.

(4) Concentration Curls

Sit at the corner of a bench. Slightly inclined forward and downward, grab a dumbbell and position your elbow about knee height inside your legs. Your elbow will rest against your legs near your knee. Your forearms will be inclined downward(not touching the floor) with the dumbbell in your hand and upper arms and elbow locked. Now, lift the dumbbell and squeeze your biceps, then release. Do 3 sets of 6-10 repeats for each arm.

All these exercises also target your forearms as secondary muscles.

Special Tip: Keep your upper arms as static as possible during the movement and train your biceps once or twice per week maximum. If you do it twice weekly, allow 4 days from each workout eg Biceps - Monday, Friday.

With the above biceps exercises along with proper nutrition and rest, you'll developed a pair of well-defined, muscular and massive biceps which commands attention.

About the author

Jean Lam is the webmaster of Body Building Resource which provides articles on weight training, nutrition and fitness, body building book and DVDs.

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