The calf is
an interesting muscle group and takes time to reveal itself particularly
the outer calf muscle. The inner calf muscle usually comes out
first. The calf muscle is often neglected at the gym. Very rarely
you'll see people training their calves. When fully developed,
the calves are eye-catching and you can actually see the separation
between the outer and inner muscles. There are two main exercises
for your calf muscle workout.
(1) Seated
Calf Raises
on the seated calf machine, place both feet on a support with
your knees at 90 degrees and your quads under another support.
Next, raise both of your feet's sole with your toes still down,
hence you'll be pushing with your quads upwards with any weight
being used. You'll feel your calves worked out. Then return to
the initial position. Perform 4 sets of 25 repeats.
(2) Standing
Barbell Calf Raises
Go to the
barbell squat rack and hold a barbell with your hands behind your
head and a bit more than shoulder width. The barbell should rest
on your trapezius(upper back) and shoulders. Next, raise both
feet's sole while keeping your toes down. Lower your soles on
the floor. This movement will move the barbell up on the squat
rack straining your calf muscles. Do 4 sets of 25 repeats.
About the author
Jean Lam is the webmaster of Body
Building Resource which provides articles on weight training,
nutrition and fitness, body building book and DVDs.