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How to Get Ripped and Big in 3 Months

Getting ripped and big at the same time is not impossible like some of us think. The adage is that if you're bulking, you can't cut at the same time and get shredded but the truth is that it's certainly achievable. You can gain muscle mass and keep your body fat levels low at the same time. Within a short span of time like 3 months, you can get ripped and big provided you adhere to a few guidelines. Discover 4 ways how to get ripped and big in 3 months.

Do moderate cardio training

Cardio training is vital to burn fat and excess calories, this is one of the ways you can get ripped. If your main goal is to lose weight, performing regular cardio workouts should not pose a problem but not when you're building muscle and getting big. If you overdo cardio while on a muscle gaining routine, you will lose some muscle mass. The key here is to do moderate cardio training and focus more on resistance training like bodyweight exercises and weight training. If you lift weights 3 times per week, do cardio only twice per week on different days for about 20 minutes per session.

For cardio, focus on high intensity interval training(HIIT) which is basically a method of varying intensity levels, for example if you use to run in the park, run fast for 1 minute, average pace for 2 minutes and slow pace for 3 minutes without rest in between. After 6 minutes are up, take a break for 2 minutes and repeat for a total of 3-4 sessions and a total of only 18-24 minutes of running. So if you perform HIIT twice per week, that's only 36-48 minutes of cardio.

Lift heavy weights

By lifting weights 3 times per week, you need to make the most out of your workout. To get big, you need to focus on heavy weights and compound exercises notably bench press, squats, deadlifts, rows, military press. Dedicate more of your workout on compound lifts and less on isolation exercises like bicep curls and triceps extension. Lift weights heavy enough that allow you to perform between 8-12 repeats and try to aim for 4-6 sets per exercise. A workout schedule can include compound movements twice per week and isolation exercises once per week.

Eat 5-6 small meals a day

To get big, you need to increase your calories by eating more meals but in smaller quantities not the typical 3 big meals a day. For example if you weigh 170 pounds and you want to gain muscle mass, use this calculation to determine how many calories you need to consume on a daily basis. Simply multiply your weight by 17 calories, so in the case of this 170 pound individual, he will need at least 2890 calories daily to bulk up. To maintain your existing weight, just multiply your weight by 15 calories, so in this case, 2550 calories are needed for weight maintenance.

For your protein needs, that will be 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight, so in this case, 170 grams of protein are required to bulk up. If you divide that number by 5 meals a day, that's 34 grams of protein per meal. Protein sources include whole eggs, skinless chicken/turkey breast, lean beef, buffalo, fish like tilapia and tuna, cottage cheese, greek yogurt, whey protein shakes.

For your carbohydrates needs, you'll need about 300 grams per day. Go for complex carbs and some of the best sources include wholegrain oats, oat bran, quinoa, brown rice, sweet potatoes, yams and wholewheat pasta. Don't forget your veggies like broccoli, green beans, asparagus and spinach. You'll also need some healthy fats from extra virgin olive oil, fish oil, nuts or flaxseed.

Use weight gainers

While the bulk of your nutrition should rely primarily on whole foods, there are times when weight gainers can be handy and convenient. They can be used as meal replacement or post-workout as well. Great weight gainers like Optimum Nutrition Pro Complex Gainer are some of the best on the market as far as quality goes. With one serving of Pro Complex, you get 650 calories, 60 grams of protein, 85 grams of carbs, 24 vitamins and minerals, 5 grams of dietary fiber and only 6 grams of sugar and 4 grams saturated fats. It also contains a protein blend of whey, casein and egg. You can take only half serving and still get 325 calories and 30 grams of protein.

During these 3 months, you'll need to be consistent, dedicated, disciplined and above all patient and you'll get ripped and big in 3 months. Best of luck.

Optimum Nutrition Pro Complex Gainer, Double Chocolate, 5.09 Pounds

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