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20 Best Glutamine Powder Supplements On The Market

Many people involved in bodybuilding know that proper nutrition and supplementation are important for best results. Protein is one of the most talked-about subjects at the gym as compared to creatine, fish oil, weight gainer and glutamine but in this article, we'll discuss about glutamine.

Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid found in the bloodstream of the human body. It is considered a non-essential amino acid meaning you don't need to get it from foods or supplements as it can be synthethized by your own body but depending on certain situations, it can become a "conditionally essential amino acid" notably under catabolic stress such as intense exercise. Under extreme physical stress, you will be overusing your skeletal muscles and this is where most of the glutamine in your body are stored.

When this occurs, your demand for glutamine will surpass your body's capability to produce it resulting in glutamine depletion. This is where eating foods high in glutamine or taking glutamine supplements will help restore your glutamine levels. Sources of glutamine include but not limited to poultry, beef, milk, cheese, yogurt, raw spinach, cabbage. To resume, although glutamine is not directly responsible for building muscle mass, it is good for bodybuilding as:

It can prevent muscle breakdown and muscle catabolism.

It can speed muscle recovery and reduce muscle soreness. Most whey protein powders contain some glutamine but it's usually not enough, so add 5-10 grams of glutamine in your post workout whey protein shake to increase protein synthesis and absorption rate to a certain extent and induce anabolic activity.

It can stimulate your metabolism by regulating blood glucose levels and can also be converted to glucose or energy when needed.

It can boost your immune, nervous and digestive system. Having a weak immune system makes you prone to infections easier as well as slow recovery from injuries. Bodybuilding is a discipline which puts you at risk of injuries so if by misfortune you get injured, you can definitely heal faster if your glutamine intake is high enough.

It can also inhibit cravings for alcohol and sugar so it can definitely detract bodybuilders from getting away from their goals.

Glutamine notably in the form of L-Glutamine is usually available in powder, tablet or capsule form either as an individual supplement or part of a protein supplement.

After research, here are some of the best glutamine powder supplements on the market.

(1) Maximum Human Performance, LLC, Glutamine-SR, 10.58 oz (300 g)

Maximum Human Performance, LLC, Glutamine-SR, 10.58 oz (300 g)

(2) EVLution Nutrition, Glutamine 5000, Unflavored, 17.6 oz (500 g)

EVLution Nutrition, Glutamine 5000, Unflavored, 17.6 oz (500 g)

(3) MusclePharm, Glutamine Essentials, Unflavored, 1.32 lbs (600 g)

MusclePharm, Glutamine Essentials, Unflavored, 1.32 lbs (600 g)

(4) Primaforce, Glutaform, 100% L-Glutamine, Unflavored, 1000 g

Primaforce, Glutaform, 100% L-Glutamine, Unflavored, 1000 g

(5) GAT, L-Glutamine, Unflavored, 17.6 oz (500 g)

GAT, L-Glutamine, Unflavored, 17.6 oz (500 g)

(6) Dymatize Nutrition, Glutamine Micronized, Unflavored, 17.64 oz (500 g)

Dymatize Nutrition, Glutamine Micronized, Unflavored, 17.64 oz (500 g)

(7) Gaspari Nutrition, Glutamine, Unflavored, 10.58 oz (300 g)

Gaspari Nutrition, Glutamine, Unflavored, 10.58 oz (300 g)

(8) California Gold Nutrition, L-Glutamine Powder, AjiPure, Gluten Free, 16 oz (454 g)

California Gold Nutrition, L-Glutamine Powder, AjiPure, Gluten Free, 16 oz (454 g)







(12) NutraBio 100% Pure L-Glutamine Powder - 500 Grams - HPLC Tested, Micronized, Unflavored, No Additives or Fillers, GMP. Post

NutraBio 100% Pure L-Glutamine Powder - 500 Grams - HPLC Tested, Micronized, Unflavored, No Additives or Fillers, GMP. Post Workout Muscle Recovery Supplement.

(13) Nutrafx L- Glutamine Powder 300 g | Replenish Muscle Glutamine Levels | Powerful Anti-Catabolism | Best Bodybuilding Supplement

Nutrafx L- Glutamine Powder 300 g | Replenish Muscle Glutamine Levels | Powerful Anti-Catabolism | Best Bodybuilding Supplement | Muscle Growth | Pre - During - Post Workout Powder Gluten Free | Mixes easily

(14) L-Glutamine Powder | 300 Grams | 5000 mg L-Glutamine USP | Free of Common Allergens | Seeking Health

L-Glutamine Powder | 300 Grams | 5000 mg L-Glutamine USP | Free of Common Allergens | Seeking Health

(15) NOW Foods L-Glutamine Pure Powder, 1-Pound

NOW Foods L-Glutamine Pure Powder, 1-Pound

(16) Hard Rhino L-Glutamine Powder, 500 Grams

Hard Rhino L-Glutamine Powder, 500 Grams

(17) Jarrow Formulas L-Glutamine Powder, Supports Muscle Tissue, 2 g per serving, 1000 g

Jarrow Formulas L-Glutamine Powder, Supports Muscle Tissue, 2 g per serving, 1000 g

(18) BSN GLUTAMINE DNA - 60 servings

BSN GLUTAMINE DNA - 60 servings

(19) Pure L-Glutamine Made in the USA - 200 Servings - 1,000g, 2.2lb Bulk, Vegan, Non-GMO, Gluten and Soy Free. Minimize Muscle Breakdown & Improve Protein Synthesis. Nothing Artificial

Pure L-Glutamine Made in the USA - 200 Servings - 1,000g, 2.2lb Bulk, Vegan, Non-GMO, Gluten and Soy Free. Minimize Muscle Breakdown & Improve Protein Synthesis. Nothing Artificial



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