we hear a lot of different people who recommend including fish
with Omega 3 Fatty Oil in our daily diets. Experts claim that
Omega 3 is extremely important to everyone since it allows its
consumers to reduce considerable amounts of weight, it also decreases
cholesterol, reinforces our memory, and hey, some people even
claim that this substance cures cancer. The truth is that there
have been several medical studies which have demonstrated the
effectiveness of Omega 3 fatty oil in people's health improvement;
not only that, but it also delivers additional benefits to those
individuals interested in body building; that is the reason why
I have set up this list of benefits, so that it may enlighten
your nutritional path to body building.
But before we jump right to the benefits list I think it is important
that you learn a little bit more about Omega 3 fatty oil.
In 2004, the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) granted the
status of "qualified health claim" upon the main two
Omega 3 fatty acids: Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic
acid (DHA). This status was granted to EPA and DHA due to the
fact that these acids were tested, and they proved to be efficient
agents in the reduction of coronary heart diseases.
Another interesting fact regarding EPA and DHA is that these acids
are also beneficial for the overall development of the human body,
which means that not only they present a very significant nutritive
implement to our diets, but they also boost the results obtained
from following a body building program by increasing our muscular
developing rate and also by reducing the unwanted fat deposits
stored in our arteries.
Omega 3 fatty
oils can be found in healthy amounts within fish; however there
are some fish species which are richer sources for this substance:
salmon, tuna, trout, herring and halibut.
Keep reading, along this article you will learn about the "Top
3 Omega 3 benefits" including fish with Omega 3 fatty oil
in your diet, you will discern the most important nutritional
aspects of this substance, and you will also understand how and
why does Omega 3 induces all those positive effects on your body
(especially when following a body building program), so enjoy.
Top 3 Benefits of consuming fish with
Omega 3 Fatty Oil
Benefit #1 - Balancing "Heavy Omega 6" modern diets
(Weight Loss)
Most of the modern Western diets include plenty of Omega 6, which
is a substance that competes for the same metabolic enzymes as
Omega 3. Now, Omega 6 is by no means harmful for your organism,
it is actually the complete opposite. Omega 6 is essential for
your proper body functioning. However, it is important that you
know that Omega 6 is much more inflammatory than Omega 3, which
means that an excess on your Omega 6 balance will cause you to
gain unwanted weight (which is very common nowadays); and the
only way to diminish excessive amounts of Omega 6 is by balancing
your fatty oil consumption with a healthy proportion of meals
rich in Omega 3; this will equilibrate your Omega levels and will
allow you to lose weight faster.
This balancing is what experts call as "Omega 6: Omega 3
ratio", and it is the main factor that determines how your
metabolic functions will be conducted. The ideal Omega 6: Omega
3 ratio is located from 3:1 to 5:1; depending on how fast you
want to set up your metabolic rhythm (wandering away from this
ratio will cause you either to gain excessive weight with an excessive
ingestion of Omega 6, or risking your health by an "overdose"
of Omega 3).
Benefit #2 - Vanishing depression (Willpower reinforcement)
It is a proven fact that the EPA found in fish with Omega 3 Fatty
Oil is very beneficial in eradicating depression symptoms. The
reason why this happens is intrinsically related with the fatty
acids that clog in our brains. Omega 3 promotes the eradication
of these "bad fats" which in consequence clears your
brain functions allowing you to think clearer and faster.
Most people who try to follow a body building routine often find
themselves with the necessity of abandoning their efforts; and
believe it or not, most of these abandonments are directly related
with our brain's depression. Depression makes us feel incapable
of improving our current situation and eventually forces us to
abandon our body building efforts.
Benefit #3 - Synapses boosting (Strong improvement on your
concentration and determination)
EPA, which is abundantly found in fish with Omega 3 fatty oil,
has proven to be a magnificent agent in aiding synapses. Synapsis
is the process that our brains perform when neurons communicate
with each other; however, sometimes this communication becomes
impaired, causing our concentration to dissipate and our determination
to vanish. However, EPA reinforces the tiny gaps which are very
common during synapses, and allows the communication between our
brain and our body to flow smoothly and uninterrupted; therefore
reinforcing our concentration and determination to higher levels;
because a body builder without concentration and determination
is very unlikely to succeed.
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